A Need To Read
A Need To Read mixes book reviews with personal journals inspired by books and interviews with really smart and interesting people, to bring you, what is statistically, one of the best book podcasts on the internet. If you want more from me please sign up for the Good To Know newsletter-- where you can find my latest musings on whatever I’m obsessed about that week and join my book club! https://edjcunningham.substack.com/

Thursday Oct 14, 2021
Thursday Oct 14, 2021
Welcome to part two of my conversation with Emilia Thompson and Emma Storey Gordon. Emilia and Emma are both Nutritionists, Podcast Hosts, and fitness enthusiasts, together they run EIQ Nutrition. In my conversation with them, we discuss ‘The Way Of The Superior Man’ by David Deida and other topics the book had us thinking about such as; how easy it is changing your mind, how you and I can be an ally, dating a feminist, dating ‘up’, and the age-old question should men pay on a date?
More from Emma and Emilia...
Emilia Thompson: https://www.instagram.com/emiliathompsonphd/
Emma Storey Gordon: https://www.instagram.com/esgfitness/
EIQ nutrition: https://www.instagram.com/eiq_nutrition/
To learn more about Heights braincare supplement head to this link and use code need2read for 10% off your subscription
To get 10% off your first month of online therapy head to www.betterhelp.com/aneedtoread
For all else A Need To Read head to www.linktree.com/aneedtoread

Monday Oct 11, 2021
Monday Oct 11, 2021
Welcome to part one of my conversation with Emilia Thompson and Emma Storey Gordon. Emilia and Emma are both Nutritionists, Podcast Hosts, and fitness enthusiasts, together they run EIQ Nutrition. In my conversation with them, we discuss ‘The Way Of The Superior Man’ by David Deida and other topics the book had us thinking about such as; Purpose Vs Love, how men should ‘penetrate’ the world, balancing feminine energy and being a feminist, Tiktok being poison for young men and women, being cat-fished and What Makes a superior man?
Emilia Thompson Phd: https://www.instagram.com/emiliathompsonphd/
Emma Storey Gordon: https://www.instagram.com/esgfitness/
EIQ nutrition: https://www.instagram.com/eiq_nutrition/
To learn more about Heights brain care supplement head to this link and use code need2read for 10% off your subscription
To get 10% off your first month of online therapy head to www.betterhelp.com/aneedtoread
For all else A Need To Read head to www.linktree.com/aneedtoread

Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
I'm joined by comedian, Co-host of the 'Ain't Got A Clue' podcast Kae Kurd to discuss his favourite books, activism, koalas being stupid, Australia, writers' block, Arnold Schwartzenegger, American Politics and much more.
Kae's first special is on Youtube for free: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SO3869lfv0
BetterHelp: For 10% off therapy head to www.betterhelp.com/aneedtoread
Heights: Use code need2read for 10% off your subscriptions to your all-in-one brain care supplement
For all else head to www.Linktree.com/aneedtoread

Monday Oct 04, 2021
Monday Oct 04, 2021
In this episode I discuss; the book Radical Compassion by Tara Brach, nurturing ourselves, my mental health, reading for a reason, and my ten-hour meditation attempt.
For one month free on Headspace go to www.headspace.com/needtoread
For 10% off your Heights subscription use code need2read and follow this link https://www.yourheights.com/products/the-smart-supplement/?ref=edcunningham
10% off your first month of Therapy at www.betterhelp.com/aneedtoread
For everything else head to www.linktree.com/aneedtoread

Friday Oct 01, 2021
Friday Oct 01, 2021
Jamie Clements is the founder of The Breath Space and host of the Man Down podcast. He joins me for a candid chat to discuss; relationships, men opening up, masculinity, ignorance, offending people, making mistakes, moral psychology, feminism, psychedelics and so much more.
For more from Jamie head to www.thebreathspace.co.uk
Books Discussed
The Righteous Mind - Johnathon Haidt
This Is Your Mind On Plants - Michael Pollan
A Need To Read is sponsored by BetterHelp, for 10% off your first month of Online Counselling head to www.betterhelp.com/aneedtoread
To start your subscription to Heights click here and use the code 'need2read' for 10% off.
For all else ANTR; including information on other sponsors and how to get in touch, please head to: www.linktree.com/aneedtoread

Monday Sep 27, 2021
Monday Sep 27, 2021
Your most valuable asset is your attention. What you decide to pay attention to could just be the decider between a good, or a bad day.
John Zaratsky and Jake Knapp both worked for the masters of attention-holding; YouTube and Google. So, they're very well qualified to help you take back your attention and start placing it in places that matter. Their book 'Make Time' provides a framework for choosing what you want to focus on, building the energy to do it and breaking the default cycle so you can start being more intentional with the way you live your life.
Please consider getting a copy of the book from your local bookstore.
A Need To Read is sponsored by BetterHelp, for 10% off your first month of Online Counselling head to www.betterhelp.com/aneedtoread
For all else ANTR; including information on other sponsors and how to get in touch, please head to: www.linktree.com/aneedtoread

Thursday Sep 23, 2021
Thursday Sep 23, 2021
Mo Gawdat is the former Chief Business Officer of Google X, host of the Slo-Mo Podcast, and best-selling author of Solve For Happy and Scary Smart- his most recent book, which is a call to action for all of us to wake up to the reality of Artificial Intelligence. We discuss; how exactly we can work with A.I for a better future, his predictions for when A.I will be a billion X smarter than a human, how YOU can save the world today by setting a good example, and much more.
Pre-order your copy of Scary Smart from Amazon and send an email titled A Need To ReaD with a screenshot
of your order confirmation to win@mogawdat.com Mo will pick 50 winners over the course of the next
few weeks who will all win a signed copy of the limited edition pre-lease copy.
For 10% off your first month of online therapy with BetterHelp go to www.Betterhelp.com/aneedtoread
For 10% off your Heights subscription go to their website and use the code 'need2read'
To get in touch and all things A Need To Read go to www.Linktree.com/aneedtoread

Monday Sep 20, 2021
Monday Sep 20, 2021
'By diagnosing the internal obstacles you face and consistently using solutions customized to help you succeed, evidence and experience suggest you really can get from where you want to be.' Katy Milkman
This episode summarises the book 'How To Change' which is a comprehensive guide to the science of behavior change. Looking at the roles that; getting started, impulsivity, procrastination, forgetfulness, laziness, confidence and conformity have to play in whether you can really change your actions for good.
For 10% off your first month of online therapy with BetterHelp go to www.Betterhelp.com/aneedtoread
For 10% off your Heights subscription go to their website and use the code 'need2read'
To get in touch and all things A Need To Read go to www.Linktree.com/aneedtoread

Thursday Sep 02, 2021
Thursday Sep 02, 2021
I am extremely grateful to have sat down with Talitha Fosh. A member of the British Association of Counselling & Psychotherapy and has experience working with addiction, eating disorders, and bereavement. She trained integratively so she has experience working with different theories and types of therapy.
In this episode we discuss; addiction, finding the right therapist, who needs therapy, some books to go alongside therapy, disordered eating, sobriety in your 20's and much more. I loved the conversation and hope you find it as useful as I did.
To find out more about Talitha head to www.TalithaFosh.com
Or head to her Instagram where she is taking the stigma out of therapy one post at a time @therapised
If you liked the episode please consider sharing it with someone else who may find it useful.
All things A Need To Read can be found here: https://linktr.ee/Aneedtoread
To get 10% off your first month of online therapy with BetterHelp head to: www.Betterhelp.com/aneedtoread
To submit your question to the Book Dr or any else you need from me, please email me at: aneedtoread.podcast@gmail.com

Thursday Jul 22, 2021
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
Shaun Galanos is a love coach, host of The Love Drive podcast, and an online course creator. He teaches intimacy and communication tools for better relationships and more love.
Shaun and I discuss; looking at intimacy and love as a skill you can develop, the importance of honesty in relationships, whether you can have sex with your friends, how to effectively communicate when your feelings are hurt, whether choice paralysis is getting in the way of your dating life and whether your attachment type is really that important.
You can find Shaun's book recommendations here: https://www.shaungalanos.com/blog/15-must-read-books-on-love-and-relationships/
You can follow Shaun on Instagram: www.instagram.com/thelovedrive
To get a one month free trial of the Headspace app, including access to their full library of meditations head to: www.headspace.com/NEEDTOREAD
To get 10% off your first month of online therapy with BetterHelp head to: www.Betterhelp.com/aneedtoread
To join the BookGang head to: www.Patreon.com/aneedtoread
To submit your question to the Book Dr or any else you need from me, please email me at: aneedtoread.podcast@gmail.com